Staying Sun Protected During Camping Season
Every year, well over 50 million households go camping. The vast majority of them choose to do it during camping season, which runs throughout the summertime in most pockets of the country.
When you go camping during June, July, August, and even September, you shouldn't have to worry about getting cold at night. The temperatures will be on the warmer side for the most part. It's why so many people choose to go camping during these months.
But one thing you will need to worry about is staying sun protected when you go camping in the summer. In addition to packing all your other camping essentials, you should see to it that you have items that'll help you with protecting your skin from the sun.
The last thing you want to do is fail to provide yourself with enough sun protection and sustain sun damage. It could potentially put you in a position where you'll have to cut a camping trip short.
Here's how to stay sun protected during your next camping adventure.
Bring Sunscreen
Did you know you're technically supposed to wear sunscreen every single day? Whether it's 90 degrees and sunny or 20 degrees and cloudy, many medical professionals will tell you it's important to wear sunscreen as often as possible.
You should be especially diligent about wearing it while you're on a camping trip. Cover everything from your face to your arms to your legs with it so that the ultraviolet rays from the sun aren't able to do any severe sun damage to you.
Sunscreen can help you avoid getting sunburns. It can also reduce your skin cancer risks dramatically.
Pack Sun Protective Clothing
Even when you're wearing sunscreen during your camping trip, covering up as much of your skin as you can will still be of the utmost importance. You should make it your mission to stop the sun from being able to shine directly on your skin.
You can start doing this by sticking a sun-protective hat on your head every time you step outside. A hat will prevent the sun from being able to get access to the skin on your face and neck. You might also want to get into the habit of putting on a pair of sunglasses almost all the time to stop the sun from shining into your eyes and possibly doing damage to them.
But don't stop there! You should also pack sun-protective clothing for your camping trip. BloqUV can help you stay sun protected by providing you with men's clothing, women's clothing, and kids' clothing made out of proprietary 50+ UPF BloqTek fabric.
This fabric will feel so comfortable on your skin. It'll also provide it with more than enough sun protection by blocking up to 98% of the sun's UV rays.
You'll love the fact that you won't have to worry about constantly reapplying sunscreen when you have sun-protective clothing on. It's going to continue to keep you sun protected throughout your camping trip without you having to put too much effort into it.
Purchase Sun Sleeves
Do you already have certain shirts that you'd like to wear while you're camping? Maybe, for example, your camping trip is going to double as a family reunion, and your family has already ordered shirts for everyone to wear.
If this is the case, you might think you'll be out of luck when it comes to wearing sun-protective clothing. But this couldn't be further from the truth.
In this instance, you can wear these BloqUV Sun Sleeves on your arms along with whatever shirts you'll be wearing. They'll protect your arms from the sun throughout your camping trip.
You might also find that these sun sleeves will work wonders for you when you're, say, driving to wherever it is that you'll be camping. You can slip them on to stop the sun's UV rays from getting the best of you while you have your arm hanging out the window as you drive.
Buy a Blanket Wrap
Of all the different items that can protect your skin from the sun that appear on this list, the BlogUV Blanket Wrap might be the most versatile. You'll get the opportunity to use it in so many different ways when you're camping.
For example, you can use this blanket wrap as a sun wrap when you're at the pool at a campground or sitting by a lake. You can also use it to wrap up a child who has been sitting out in the sun for too long. You can even utilize it to cover up a baby stroller if you'll be bringing a little one camping with you.
Plus, you can always pull this blanket wrap out once the sun goes down if it starts to get cold to keep yourself warm. It's one of the many items that you'll want to make sure you have packed away in your bag prior to heading off for a camping trip since it's almost guaranteed to come in handy at some point.
Let Us Help You Stay Sun Protected While Camping
Going on a camping trip can be a whole lot of fun. But you're going to find that it won't be as much fun as it should be if you don't make every effort to stay sun protected.
If you allow the sun to wreak havoc on your skin, it will. You can stop this from happening by picking up the latest sun-protective clothing from Bloq UV. It'll make sun safety a top priority from the start of your camping trip right up until the very end of it.
Contact us if you have any questions about the sun-protective clothing that you see on your website.