What to Expect During an Annual Skin

Cancer Screening

Scheduling an annual skin cancer screening is important for your overall health. Around 3.3 million Americans get diagnosed with squamous and basal skin cancers each year.

Discover what to expect from your upcoming skin cancer screening so there are no surprises.

Prep Your Skin

  • Avoid wearing any makeup, lotion, or other skin products to vour aopointment
  • Take note of moles, freckles, or skin tags that have changed recently or that you're concerned about
  • Make a list of these areas of concern for your appointment so you can discuss them with your dermatologist
  • Wear comfortable and easy-to-remove clothing since your dermatologist will want to examine your skin from head to toe

Review Your Medical History

  • Your dermatologist will review your medical history before they start examining your skin
  • They'll ask about past skin issues, exposure to the sun, tanning beds, and a family history of skin cancer
  • This is the time when you'll share skin issues that you're concerned with

Prepare for Physical Examination

  • Your dermatologist will examine your entire body, starting with your scalp and face and ending with your toes
  • They'Il use several tools during this process, including a dermatoscope and dermojet
  • The goal of this step or the screening is to get a closer look at areas of concern on your skin

You Might Need a Biopsy

  • If your dermatologist notices anything unusual during the physical examination, they may recommend a biopsy
    further analysis
  • There are several types of biopsies, including shave, punch, or excisional biopsies
  • You might need stitches to close the wound if your dermatologist removes a large lump or area of skin
  • Your dermatologist can use the results from your biopsy to diagnose various skin concitions
  • These skin conditions can include rashes, infections, skin cancer. and other disorders
  • The skin sample will get examined under a microscope to determine indicators or the presence of diseases
  • Biopsies can be intimidating but they're a safe and simple procedure
  • Your dermatologist will let you know about follow-up

Learn About Skin Cancer Prevention Tips

  • Your dermatologist will provide you with tips and tricks on how to reduce your skin cancer risks
  • They'Il also let you know certain areas that you should pay attention to in the tuture
  • Some tips they might share with you include performing regular self-exams, staying in the shade, and wearing sunscreen that's over 30 SPF
  • Your dermatologist could recommend wearing long-sleeved pants and shirts that cover your entire body
  • You'll learn about signs of potential skin issues
  • These signs can include scars that change their appearance, a new sore or growth that doesn't heal, and patches that bleed, hurt or itch


Your annual skin cancer screening appointment doesn't have to be filled with angst and stress. Knowing what to expect from your screening will help you feel prepared and confident. Protect your skin from harmful UV rays and decrease your skin cancer risks by wearing UV-blocking clothing from BloqUV!





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