What is UV Index and How Does Temperature Affect It?

What is UV Index and How Does Temperature Affect It?

What is UV Index and How Does Temperature Affect It? What is the UV index? Ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation represents wavelengths on a UV index and may come as harmful rays....
September 13, 2023
How Does the Sun and UV Cause Cancer?

How Does the Sun and UV Cause Cancer?

How Does the Sun and UV Cause Cancer? How does the sun and its UV rays cause skin cancer? Learn about skin cancer caused by the sun and how sunburn...
July 29, 2023
The History of Pickleball

The History of Pickleball

Pickleball has been around for decades, but where did this sport get its start? Click here to learn more about the history of pickleball. Pickleball is exploding in popularity with...
January 13, 2023
How To Understand the UV Index

How To Understand the UV Index

Are you wondering what time of day the UVB rays are the highest? Click here to learn how to understand the UV index and what that index actually means. Did...
January 13, 2023